

第三部  覺他





1. 尋求真理,回歸本性。


…By the end of three months Jonathan had six other students, Outcasts all, yet curious about this strange new idea of flight for the joy of flying…(……三個月後,岳納珊又收了另外六名學生。全是被「放逐」的,但對這個「為樂趣而飛行」的新奇概念,一致充滿了好奇……)


“Each of us is in truth an idea of the Great Gull, an unlimited idea of freedom,’’ Jonathan would say in the evenings on the beach, “and percision flying is a step toward expressing our real nature. Everything that limits us we have to put aside…(「其實,每隻海鷗,都是『大海鷗』—一種『毫無限制的自由』實相,」傍晚時,岳納珊會在海灘上這樣說,「而『精確的飛行』,就是我們『展現真正自性』的方法,凡是侷限、阻礙我們的俗物,都要撇開……」)


2. You are how you are.(你決定自己的路。)


“Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip,” Jonathan would say, other times, “is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see. Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too…”(「你所見到的『身體』,從左翼梢到右翼梢,」有時岳納珊也會如此說,「不過就是你『心』的本身。打破『心』的鎖鏈,也就打破了『身體』的束縛了……」)


… “We are free to go where we wish and to be what we are,” Jonathan answered…(……「我們生而自由,能自主去處,自決為誰。」岳納珊回答……)


The next night from the Flock came Kirk Maynard Gull, wobbling across the sand, dragging his left wing, to collapse at Jonathan’s feet. “Help me,” he said very quitely, speaking in the way that the dying speak. “I want to fly more than anything else in the world…”(第二天夜裡,海鷗柯克.梅訥德從鷗群中,踉踉蹌蹌地越過沙灘,拖著不能動的左翼膀,癱倒在岳納珊跟前。「請幫幫我!」他以近乎垂死的聲音,堅定地懇求道,「我要『學飛』!這世界上我最想做的事,就是『學習飛行』!……」)


…“Maynard Gull, you have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way. It is the Law of the Great Gull, the Law that Is.” ……「海鷗梅訥德,你是不受限制、自由自在的,你有權做你自己,真正的自己,就在此時此刻。沒有任何東西能阻擋你!這就是『大海鷗的法則』!聽清楚了,『大海鷗的法則』!」)


“Are you saying I can fly?”(「你是說,我能『飛行』?」)


“I say you are free.”(「我說,你是『自由』的!」)




3. 人人本具,無法剝奪,信即能行。


As simply and as quickly as that, Kirk Maynard Gull spread his wings, effortlessly, and lifted into the dark night air. The Flock was roused from sleep by his cry, as loud as he could screem it, from five hundred feet up; “I can fly! Listen! I CAN FLY!”(就麼簡單迅速地,柯克.梅訥德展開了雙翼,毫不費力地竄進了漆黑的夜空。他在五百呎的高空中,欣喜若狂地竭力嘶喊:「『我飛起來了!』喂—『我可以飛囉!』」沉睡的鷗群,全被這驚天動地的叫聲給嚇醒了。)


By sunrise there were nearly a thousand birds standing outside the circle of students, looking curiously at Maynard. They didn’t care whether they were seen or not, and they listened, trying to understand Jonathan Seagull.(日出之前,近千隻的海鷗已圍著那圈學生們,驚奇地看著梅訥德。他們不在乎是否被人瞧見,只爭先恐後地希望瞭解岳納珊所講的話。)


He spoke of very simple thingsthat it is right for a gull to fly, that freedom is the very nature of his being, that whatever stands against that freedom must be set aside, be it ritual or superstition or limitation in any form.(他講的,其實都是些非常簡單的事—「飛行」是每隻海鷗的權力,「自由」則是海鷗存在的本質。凡是阻礙「追尋自由」的事物,不管是儀式、迷信,或任何形式的限制,都該摒棄!)


“Set aside,” came a voice from the multitude, “even if it be the Law of the Flock?”(「摒棄?」群眾中傳出一個聲音,「你是說,連鷗群該遵守的『法律』,也可以置之不理嗎?」)


“The only true law is that which leads to freedom,” Jonathan said. “There is no other.”(「對!唯一真正的『法律』,是『讓我們得到自由的法則』,」岳納珊答,「除此之外,別無他法!」)


“How do you expect us to fly as you fly?” came another voice. “You are special and gifted and devine, above other birds.”(「那,你怎麼能期待,我們可以跟你飛得一樣好呢?」又有海鷗提問了,「你是個超乎眾禽之上的天才,早已出神入化了!」)


“Look at Fletcher! Lowell ! Charles-Roland! Judy Lee! Are they also special and gifted and devine? No more than you are, no more than I am. The only difference, the very only one, is that they have begun to understand what they really are and have begun to practice it.”…(「是嗎?請看看福萊齊兒,看看羅威爾,還有查爾斯.羅蘭德、茱蒂.李等吧!他們個個是出神入化的天才嗎?不,包括我在內,和在場的諸位一樣,都毫無分別!唯一不同的是,我們已經開始瞭解自己的『本質』,並『身體力行』了!」……)


4. 主流難容。


The crowd gerw larger every day, coming to question, to idolize, to scorn.(來詢問、崇拜,或譏諷的鷗群,一天比一天地多了。)


“They are saying in the Flock that if you are not the Son of the Great Gull Himself,” Fletcher told Jonathan one morning after Advanced Speed Practice, “then you are a thousand years ahead of your time.” 一天早上,福萊齊兒在上完「進階速訓」的課後,對岳納珊說:「他們在鷗群中耳語,如果你不是『大海鷗之子』本尊,便是超越了你的年代一千年!」)


Jonathan sighed. The price of being misunderstood, he thought. They call you devil or they call you god. “What do you think, Fletch? Are we ahead of our time?”(岳納珊嘆了口氣想,被誤解的代價有多大呀!一會兒被喚做「邪靈」,一會兒又被封為「聖子」。「福萊齊兒,你認為呢?我們真的有『超前』嗎?」)


A long silence. “Well, this kind of flying has always been here to be learned by anybody who wanted to discover it; that’s got nothing to do with time. We’re ahead of the fashion, maybe. Ahead of the way that most gulls fly.”…(福萊齊兒完全能感受岳納珊的無奈,沉默了好一會兒後才說:「唉!這其實跟『時間』根本無關,任何下決心想學飛的海鷗,都會成功。一定要說的話,或許只能講,我們走在『主流』之前而已!」……)


5. 聖靈無所不在,肉身不能穿岩。


It happened just a week later. Fletcher was demonstrating the elements of high-speed flying to a class of new students. He had just pulled out of his dive from seven thousand feet, a long gray streak firing a few inches above the beach, when a young bird on its first flight glided directly into his path, calling for its mother. With a tenth of second to avoid the youngster, Fletcher Lynd Seagull snapped hard to the left, at something over two hundred miles per hour, into a cliff of solid granite.(一個禮拜後,發生一了件致命的意外。福萊齊兒在新學員面前,示範「高速飛行」的重點,當他對準沙灘,從七千呎的高空疾速俯衝,像一道灰色的掠影,離地幾吋之處才剛拉平時,一隻嘴裡喊著媽媽、初次學飛的小海鷗,不偏不倚地滑進了他的航道。千鈞一髮之際,為了閃避這隻幼鳥,福萊齊兒以兩百哩的時速奮力右彎,猛烈地撞上了一旁的花崗岩壁。)


It was, for him, as though the rock were a giant hard door into another world. A burst of fear and shock and black as he hit, and then he was adrift in a strange strange sky, forgetting, remembering, forgetting; afraid and sad and sorry, terribly sorry…(這片峭壁,對他來說,就像是一扇通往另一世界的堅硬巨門。這下子,可把他撞得滿天星斗、驚駭交迸。隨後,他似飄浮在一奇特、陌生的空中般,時而清醒、時而昏沈,恐懼悲傷,又難過莫名……)


“The trick, Fletcher, is that we are trying to overcome our limitations in order, patiently. We don’t tackle flying through rock until a little later in the program.”…(「福萊齊兒,訣竅是,我們必須按部就班、耐心地克服『限制』。現在,暫時還不是解決『穿岩』問題的時機。」岳納珊告訴他……)


6. 迷者眾,信者稀。


“Why is it,” Jonathan puzzled, “that the hardest thing in the world is to convince a bird that he is free, and that he can prove it for himself if he’d just spend a little time practicing? Why should that be so hard?”…(「為什麼呢?」岳納珊困惑地想,「世界上最困難的事,是讓一隻鳥相信『自己是自由的』?事實上,他只要花一點點的時間學習,就可以『親自証明』這項真理。為什麼這件事會如此困難呢?」……)


7. 寬恕與真愛。


“I don’t understand how you manage to love a mob of birds that has just tried to kill you.”(「我不懂,你怎麼可能去『愛』一群剛剛還想殺你的暴民?」)


“Oh, Fletch, you don’t love that! You don’t love hatred and evil, of course. You have to practice and see the real gull, the good in every one of them, and to help them see it in themselves. That’s what I mean by love. It’s fun, when you get the knack of it.”(「,福萊齊兒呀,你不喜歡那樣的!你當然不愛『仇恨』和『邪惡』。學著看到每隻海鷗『真正的內在』,並且幫助他們發掘,他們『純淨、至善』的那一面。這才是我所謂的『真愛』呀!等你開竅了,就自然會樂在其中了。」)


8. 淨土自造,天堂地獄,一念之間。


“I remember a fierce young bird, for instance, Fletcher Lynd Seagull, his name. Just been made Outcast, ready to fight the Flock to the death, getting a start on building his own bitter hell out on the Far Cliffs. And here he is today building his own heaven instead, and leading the whole Flock in that direction.”(「舉個例子來說吧!我記得之前有隻年輕、暴躁的海鷗,名叫福萊齊兒.林德。他剛被同胞們殘酷無情地驅逐時,忿恨地準備在『遠巖』為自己打造座『煉獄』,好隨時與那些屈待他的族人,拼個你死我活!但今天,他沒有這麼做,取而代之地,他建立了一個『清淨美好的天堂』,且正『引領』著整個族群朝此邁進。」)


9. 傳承交棒。


Fletcher turned to his instructor, and there was a moment of fright in his eye. “Me leading? What do you mean, me leading? You’re the instructor here. You couldn’t leave!” 「『引領,我』?什麼,這是什麼意思?我怎麼可能『引領』大家?你才是這兒的指導者,你不能丟下我們!」福萊齊兒轉身望著他的教練,眼中透著惶恐。)


10. 自性為導。


“Couldn’t I? Don’t you think that there might be other flocks, other Fletchers, that need an instructor more than this one, that’s on its way toward the light?”(「不能嗎?難道你不曾想過,別的地方也會有同樣的鷗群,也會有被放逐的『福萊齊兒』,比你們更迫切地需要一位教練,來引領他們走向『真理之光』嗎?」)


“Me, Jon, I’m just a plain seagull, and you’re…” (「可是岳,我只是隻平凡、卑微的海鷗呀,而你卻是……」)


“…the only Son of the Great Gull, I suppose?” Jonathan sighed and looked out to sea. “You don’t need me any longer. You need to keep finding yourself, a little more each day, that real, unlimited Fletcher Seagull. He’s your instructor. You need to understand him and to pracitce him.”(「『唯一的大海鷗之子』!我想你要這麼說吧?」岳納珊嘆了口氣,望著大海繼續說,「你再也不需要我了。你只要一天天、一點點,不斷地去發現理解,並善巧運用那個『自由自在,豪無極限的自我』,就可以了。因為,『他』才是你真正永恆的『內在導師』!」)


11. 般若觀照,以見實相。


A moment later Jonathan’s body wavered in the air, shimmering, and began to go transparent. “Don’t let them spread silly rumors about me, or make me a god. O.k., Fletch? I’m a seagull. I like to fly, maybe…”(片刻之後,岳納珊的身體在空中搖曳發光,漸至剔透,「小福,別讓他們散佈任何有關我的荒唐謠言,甚至將我『神格化』好嗎?我只是隻愛好『飛行』的海鷗而已,或許……」)




“Poor Fletch. Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you’ll see the way to fly.”(「可憐的小福,千萬別相信你的『肉眼』所見,因為它們全是『有限的色相』!竭用你所理解的『智慧』,發掘萬物『無限的本性』,就會懂得『飛行之道』了!」)


The shimmering stopped. Jonathan Seagull had vanished into empty air…(閃光停止,岳納珊杳然無蹤……)



“To begin with,” he said heavily, “ you’ve got to understand that a seagull is an unlimited idea of freedom, an image of the Great Gull, and your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip, is nothing more than your thought itself.”(「好,首先,」他緩慢沉重地介紹,「大家必須瞭解,每隻海鷗都是『大海鷗』的應化意象,本具『毫無限制的自由』實相。你的整個身體,從左到右,不過是你『心』的本身!」)


The young gulls looked at him quizzically. Hey, man, they thought, this doesn’t sound like a rule for a loop.”(鷗群們半信半疑地看著福來齊兒,心想:「嘿,老兄,拜託喔!這不像是一條『翻觔斗』的定律吧?」)


Fletcher sighed and started over. “Hm. Ah…very well,” he said, and eyed them critically. “Let’s begin with Level Flight.” And saying that, he understood all at once that his friend had quite honestly been no more devine than Fletcher himself.(「唉!萬事起頭難!」福萊齊兒嘆了口氣,試著重新來過,「嗯,唔……非常好,」他不滿地環顧了一下四周,「那,我們先從『平飛』開始好了!」此時,他終於明瞭了,岳納珊沒騙他,他的確跟自己一樣平凡!)


No limits, Jonathan? He thought. Well, then, the time’s not distant when I’m going to appear out of thin air on your beach, and show you a thing or two about flying!(「沒有限制?哈哈!好個岳納珊!」他躊躇滿志地想,「等著吧,我很快就會出現在『你的』灘頭,秀兩手讓你瞧了!」)


And though he tried to look properly severe for his students, Fletcher Seagull suddenly saw them all as they really were, just for a moment, and he more than liked, he loved what it was he saw. No limits, Johathan? He thought, and he smiled. His race to learn had begun.(雖然,他盡量讓自己看起來嚴厲逼人,但卻忽然見到了這群學生,與自己一樣純真、寬廣無限的「內在」,原來,「他們就是自己」呀!頃刻間,他發現自己對這群懵懂無知的新生,不僅「喜歡」而已,更是「深愛不已」!「沒有限制,對嗎,岳納珊?」他心領神會地露出了感動的微笑。他的「覺他之旅」,自此正式展開了!)












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