



依然沒時間詳讀《與神對話》,但九十八年七月一日找資料時,分別在第二和第三部中,不經意地看到了令人 “shocked”(震驚)的片段。


難道,金剛藏菩薩的 “worry”(擔憂)成真了嗎—一成真金體,仍復重為鑛!?




Neale: Is the universe now expanding?(尼爾:宇宙現在正在膨脹嗎?)


God: At a rate of speed you cannot imagine!(神:以一種你們無法想像的速度!)


Will it expand forever?(它會一直膨脹下去嗎?)


No. There will come a time when the energies driving the expansion will dissipate, and the energies holding things together will take overpulling everything “back together” again.不會。因為使其膨脹的能量將會消失,而把東西聚合的能量將會接管—這樣的時刻將會到來,把一切東西重新「拉回」。)


You mean the universe will contract?(你是說,宇宙將會收縮?)


Yes. Everything will, quite literally, “fall into place”! And you’ll have paradise again. No matter. Pure energy.(對。所有的東西都會「重歸本位」!而你們也會再有樂園。沒有任何東西。沒有物質,只有純粹的能。)


In other wordsMe!(換言之—就是我!)


In the end, it’ll all come back to Me. That is the original of your phrase: “It all comes down to this.”(到最後,統統要回歸於我。這就是你們此語的來源:「全歸於此。」)


That means that we will no longer exist!(這是說,我們不再存在了!)


Not in physical form. But you will always exist. You cannot not exist. You are that which Is.(不再以物質的形式存在。但你們會永遠存在。你們無法不存在,因為,你們就是那存在者。)


What will happen after the universe “collapses”?(那,宇宙「塌陷」之後,會發生什麼事情呢?)


The whole process will start over again! There will be another so-called Big Bang, and another universe will be born.(整個的過程會重新開始!會有另一次所謂的大爆炸,另一個宇宙將會誕生。)


It will expand and contract. And then it will do the same thing all over again. And again. Forever and ever. World without end.(它會膨脹,會收縮。然後會一再反覆。一再一再,永遠永遠,世界永無終止。)


This is the breathing in and breathing out of God.(這即是神的呼吸。)


Well, this is all, again, very interestingbut it has very little to do with my everyday life.(嗯,這聽起來全都頗有趣的—但它跟我的日常生活沒多大關係。)


Conversations with God , chapter 6





So you may return to any point on the Cosmic Wheel to which it pleases you to return.(所以,你可以回到宇宙之輪,你喜歡的任何一點上。)


Still, even that could be depressing. Don’t we ever get to rest? Don’t we ever get to stay in nirvana, to remain there? Are we doomed forever to this “coming and going this “now you see it, now you don’t” treadmill? Are we on an eternal journey to nowhere?(不過,即使是這樣,仍舊讓人沮喪。我們永遠不得休息嗎?永遠不能停留在涅槃裡嗎?永遠注定這樣「來來去去」,踩在這種「一時你發現了、一時你沒發現」的跑步機上嗎?我們是在一個永遠什麼地方也沒去的旅程中嗎?)


Yes. That’s the greatest truth. There is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no one you have to “be” expect exactly who you’re being right now.(是的,這就是最大的真理。無處須去,無事須做,除了做現在的自己以外,你無須去做任何別人。)


The truth is that there is no journey. You are right now what you are attempting to be. You are right now where you are attempting to go.(真相是:並沒有什麼旅程。你現在正是你想要做的人,正處在你想要去的地方。)


It is the master who knows this, and thus ends the struggle. And then does the master seek to assist you in ending your struggle, even as you will seek to end the struggle of others when you reach mastery.(大師們懂得這一點,故不再掙扎。大師們要做的,是幫助你終止這掙扎,正如你現在達到這階段以後,想要去幫助別人終止這掙扎一樣。)


Yet this processthis Cosmic Wheelis not a depressing treadmill. It is a glorious and continual reaffirmation of the utter magnificence of God, and all lifeand there is nothing depressing about that at all.(這歷程—這宇宙之輪—並非令人沮喪的。它是對神的、對一切生命的根本莊嚴華美的肯定,不斷地肯定。這其中,根本沒有令人沮喪之處。)


Still seems depressing to me.(我還是很沮喪。)


Let Me see if I can change your mind. Do you like sex?(讓我看看能不能幫你改變一下想法。你喜歡性吧?)


I love it.(愛得很。)


Most people do, expect those with really weird ideas about it. So, what if I told you that beginning tomorrow you can have sex with every single person for whom you felt attraction and love. Would that make you happy?(大部份人都是這樣,除非是那些對性有怪念頭的人。那麼,如果我告訴你,從明天起,你覺得什麼人有吸引力,什麼人你愛,你就可以和她有性—這會不會讓你快樂?)


Would this have to be against their will?(這會違背她們的意願嗎?)


No. I would arrange it so that every one you wish to celebrate the human experience of love with in this way also wishes to do so with you. They would feel great attraction and love for you.(不會。我會安排,凡是你想跟她們以這種方式歡慶人之性愛經驗的,她們便也想要與你這樣。她們會認為你有很大的吸引力,覺得很愛你。)


Wow! Heyokaaay!(哇賽!這—太棒了!)


There’s just one condition: You have to stop between each one. You can’t just go from one to the other without interruption.(唯一的條件是:你在她們之間一定要停一停,不能毫無間斷地從一個走向另一個。)


You’re telling me.(那還用你說!)


So, in order to experience the ecstasy of this kind of physical union, you have to also exiperence not being united sexually with someone, if only for a while. (好了,因此,為了享受這種肉體結合的狂歡,你也必須經歷不做性結合的經驗—哪怕只是片刻。)


I think I see where You’re going.(我想我知道你要說什麼了。)


Yes. Even the ecstasy would not be ecstasy were there not a time when there was no ecstasy. This is as true with spiritual ecstasy as it is with physical.(沒錯。如過不是有一段時間沒有性狂歡,則即使連性狂歡也不是性狂歡了。精神的狂歡,其實和肉體的狂歡是一樣的。)


There is nothing depressing about the cycle of life, there is only joy. Simply joy and more joy.(生命的循環並沒有令人喪氣處,只有喜悅。只有喜悅與更多的喜悅。)


Conversations with God Ⅲ,chapter 5



「神呀,對不起,我知道這冒犯了你,但我還是要說,這段話很 “bullshit”(狗屁)!『性狂歡』的例子很奇特。」我實在忍不住了,直接與神溝通。






















































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